Print ISSN 1226-2536|Online ISSN 2733-8754
Submission Guide
Submission Guide
Regulations on the Contribution of journals and Publication
(2012.1.9. Amended. 2012.1.9. Enacted)
Chapter 1 General Provisions
Article 1(Objective) The regulation aims at stipulating various required conditions for submitting a manuscript to KPAR published by KAPA.
Chapter 2 Eligibility for submission and conditions
Article 2(Requirements of submitting a manuscript)
- ①The manuscripts should address issues within public administration and policy.
- ②Submitted manuscripts should be an original article which has not been published elsewhere, and it should not be under review by other journals at the time of submission.
- ③English articles cannot be submitted in principle. However, an exception could be made when the editorial board of directors recognizes the necessity for English articles.
Article 3(Eligibility) A manuscript must be submitted by a regular member. If a manuscript has multiple authors, it could be submitted when at least one author is a member of KPAR.
Chapter 3 Contribution of Articles
Article 4(Manuscript Submission Guidelines) The contributor shall abide by the below.
- ①A Manuscript should be printed single-sided on A4 sheets using the Hangul word processing program. The manuscript should be 135 pages(27,000 words) on 200 square writing paper in principle. When exceeded, the submitter will be charged for the printing fee of 15,000 won for every extra 5 pages(1,000 words) on 200 square writing paper. (The word count can be checked on Hangul 2007 program: File-Document Properties-Document Statistics-Writing Paper). However, a manuscript cannot exceed 175 pages on 200 square writing paper. A manuscript that exceeds the word limit cannot be submitted.
- ②Manuscripts should be arranged in order given next: binding, Korean abstract(should be no longer than 500 words), English abstract(should be no longer than 200 words), Korean keywords(3), English keywords(3), text, references, and appendix.
- ③Any parts of the text of a submitted manuscript, footnotes, and references which identify the author's name or those which provide hints relevant to the author will be expunged.
- ④Submit the manuscript along with a letter of request for review. In the letter, both Korean and English title of the article, the author's name and the institution, position, address, and contact should be entered.
Article 5(editorial)
- ①Editing the format of sheets follows the criteria below.
Article 5(editorial)
Sheet |
Paragraph |
Character |
Margin |
Top |
30 |
Margin |
Left |
0 |
Font |
Batang |
Bottom |
30 |
Right |
0 |
Size |
11 |
Left |
30 |
Interval |
Line Spacing |
160 |
Horizontal Length |
100 |
Right |
30 |
Top |
0 |
Space between letters |
0 |
Header |
12 |
Bottom |
0 |
Footer |
12 |
First line |
Indent |
10.0 pt |
Binding |
0 |
Alignment |
Alignment Form |
Justify text |
words |
0 |
- ②Manuscript is supposed to be in Korean in principle, however, it could use Chinese character when needed for clarification. Foreign scholars' names should be written in the original language.
Article 6(House style of writing table of contents, table, illustration, and others) Writing a table of contents, table, illustration, and others shall follow the following form.
- ①A symbol system, which indicates the hierarchy of a table of contents, follows the order of Ⅰ,1.1),(1),①.
- ②The author should enter a serial number for each title of a table or illustration throughout the journal (Example:<Table 1>,<Illustration 1>, and etc). The serial number should be entered on the top of a table or illustration. The source should be marked as 'source:' and specify the details at the bottom.
- ③Notes to a table or illustration should be arranged in order of individual notes(use of symbols of a),b),c)), probability notes(*p<.05,**<p.01, ***<p.001), general notes(marked as 'Note:') and should be entered at the bottom of a table or illustration or at the top of the source.
- ④When indicating the author's writing or journal, the author should not use the phrase 'my manuscript' and specify the author's name.
Article 7(notes and references) Notes and references should be written following the form below.
- ①Reference notes, which identify the source which was quoted or referred to, should be marked in parenthesis in the text. A reference list should be attached at the end.
- ②Content notes, which elaborate on the text, should be entered as subscripts on the top right of the concerned part and recorded as serial numbers throughout the journal. They should be written as footnotes at the bottom of the page.
- ③The references quoted in the text are divided into domestic and foreign literature (in order of the East and the West), and the former should be arranged in Korean alphabetical order, the latter in alphabetical order based on the author's last name.
- ④A reference should be written in order of an author, publication year, title, and bibliographic data.
- ⑤Korean titles of the writings or academic papers should be written in the font called ‘Dotum’, English title should be in italics.
- ⑥Issues that the regulations excluded shall be discussed and decided by the 「Guidelines for Manuscript Writing」 published by KAPA in 2011.
Chapter 4 Contribution of a book review
Article 8(Book Review Contribution) Contribution of a book review is under the below processes and standards.
- ①Book reviews fall into two categories; special and general book reviews.
- ②Editorial board is in charge of planning a special book review
- ③General book reviews consist of those requested by the author or those contributed by the critic. In the case of the former, when the submission of the book for review is complete, the editorial board will commission a book review to a critic selected on the recommendation.
- ④Special book review has all the characteristics of a journal including a subject of research, references, footnotes, and etc beyond a critical introduction of a research book. The manuscript should be at least eighty pages on 200 square writing paper.
- ⑤General book reviews are a critical introduction including the summary of a research book, evaluation of the book's contribution except for references and footnotes. The manuscript should not exceed twenty pages on 200 square writing paper for a single volume.
- ⑥Subjects of a book review include professional research papers published at home and abroad except textbooks.
- ⑦Book reviews include a signature, author, publisher, publication year, page, ISBN.
- ⑧Charges of publication for a book review journal will not be collected.
Chapter 5 Submission of Manuscripts, Publication, and Others
Article 9(Submission of Manuscripts) Manuscripts could be submitted at any time.
- Manuscripts for a review could be submitted on KAPA's homepage( and the review process begins when the review fee(60,000 won) is paid online.
- Bank account: Woori Bank 109-04-171856, The Korean Association for Public Administration
Article 10(Confirmation of Publication)
- ①When an author receives notice of the confirmation of publication, the author should submit the final manuscript file and the introduction of the author by e-mail. The introduction of the author should be briefly described at the end of the final manuscript, including one's name(in Chinese character), doctorate degree(name of the degree, the year the degree was acquired and university, the title of the journal, and etc), the author's institution and position, research interests(no more than three), publications and journals of the last five years(no more than three), and etc. This should be written on another page after the references with one's e-mail at the end.
- ②For a manuscript specifying its research funding, the publication fee will be 150,000 won; otherwise, it will be 50,000 won.
- ③When specifying the authors, the lead author of the study will be specified first. Co-authors will be specified in Korean alphabetical order considering the level of contribution.
Article 11(Over-carried publication of journals)
- ①Even if the article is confirmed to be published, it can be posted in the next issue according to the editorial policy of KPAR in terms of the issue's makeup or quantity.
- ②Carryover of manuscripts takes place according to the date the manuscript was confirmed to be published.
Article 12(Expected Publication Date) The journal shall be published following the schedule below in principle.
- Issue 1: March 25
- Issue 2: June 25
- Issue 3: September 25
- Issue 4: December 25
Article 13(Copyright) When the submitted journal goes through the final review and be published in KPAR, the association holds the copyright of the journal.
<Supplementary Provision>
- 1.The regulations apply from the 9th of January, 2012.
- 2.Issues excluded in the regulations shall be discussed and decided by the editorial board.
Copyright © 2020 The Korea Association for Public Administration. All right reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored, transmitted, or disseminated, in any form, or by any means, without prior written permission from KAPA. whom all reproduce copyright material should be directed, in writing.