1)We collect the manuscripts submitted on a weekly basis and ask the editorial board members to recommend reviewers.
2)After collecting and organizing the recommended list for a week, it will be sent to the Editor to select the final reviewers.
3)If a reviewer does not review the article under consideration within 35 days after the request, the Editor may replace the reviewer with one of the editorial board members.
First Review Round
1)We send reviewers ethical guidelines, submitted manuscripts, a letter of appointment, and a notification sheet for the review result.
2)The deadline for the review is about two weeks from the date of sending the manuscript.
3)The reviewers’ comprehensive evaluation is divided into three stages in the first review round: “accepted”, “accepted with revisions”, or “rejected”. In the second round, the revised manuscripts are either accepted or rejected. An academic award can be also recommended.
(1) If your manuscript is evaluated by three reviewers as follows ? either in the first round or in the first and second round, it will be published without any request for revisions.
“Accepted without revision” ○○○,○○△
(2) If your manuscript is evaluated by three reviewers as follows ? either in the first round or in the first and second round, minor revision is recommended, but it is accepted to be published.
“Accepted with minor revision” ○○X
(3) If your manuscript is evaluated by three reviewers as follows in the first review round, revision is required for publication. The revised manuscripts should be evaluated by the reviewers who have requested revisions at the second round.
“Accepted with mandatory revision” ○△△,△△△,○△X, △△X
(4) If your manuscript receives rejections from two reviewers, it will be not published.
“Rejected” ○XX, △XX
In the first review round, all reviewers must write their comments on the manuscript regardless of the decision.
The Second Review Round
1)When the revised manuscript is re-submitted, we contact the reviewers whohave requested revision by phone and send it by email.
2)For the second review, the review should be completed within a week from the date of sending the manuscript.
3)The second review only decides whether the manuscript will be published or not. If rejected, reviewers’ comments must be submitted.
4)Other guidelines and criteria of review are the same as those of the first review.
Final manuscripts
The final manuscript will be handed over to the publisher. After typesetting the manuscript, it will be sent to the author and corrected.
Expected Publication Date
Issue 1: March 25
Issue 2: June 25
Issue 3: September 25
Issue 4: December 25
1)For a manuscript specifying its research funding, the publication feewill be 150,000 won; otherwise, it will be 50,000 won.
2)When all the review processes are completed, we pay the review fees to reviewers: 20,000won for the first review, and 10,000 won for the second review (in charge of KAPA).
3)Abstracts written in English should be proofread by expert(s).
4)The editorial board members may decide togo through a new review process if they recognize that there is a problem with the final review result.
5)Even if the article is confirmed to be published, it can be posted in the next issue.
6)It takes about three months to be published after the submission.