Print ISSN 1226-2536|Online ISSN 2733-8754
Ethics Policy
Ethics Policy
Ethics Regulation on Academic Papers
(2020.09.08. Amended. 2020.09.08. Enacted)
Chapter 1 General Provisions
Article1(Objective) The regulation aims at suggesting ethical standards for various matters regarding editing including contribution, review, and publication of all academic papers of the Korean Association for Public Administration(hereinafter called “KAPA”).
Article 2(Application)
- ①The regulations shall apply to academic activities including all conferences and academic papers published by KAPA.
- ②Ethics Regulation of KAPA, regulations of various levels of Ministry of Education and affiliate agencies shall apply in the case of issues excluded in ①.
Chapter 2 Contributor(Author)
Article1(Contribution Ethics)
- ①The manuscript contributed by an author should hold originality in terms of its content or methodology that should have not been published by another journal.
- ②Authors cannot engage in the duplicate contribution of a manuscript by submitting a manuscript that shares the same content with the manuscript that is under a review of another journal.
- ③All sources should be disclosed by way of correct reference and citation.
- ④Individuals who have not contributed to the work in terms of its process and outcome should not be listed as co-authors.
- ⑤Authors should meet with relevant parties’ approval regarding copyrights and other relevant matters before the submission of the manuscript, and should also confirm that there would not be any conflicts of contracts and ownership that might be influenced by the manuscript’s publication.
Chapter 3 Editorial Board
Article1(Compliance Details)
- ①Editorial board should treat contributed papers equally on the grounds of quality of the paper and contribution regulations regardless of the author’s gender, age, race, the author's institute, or personal ties to the author.
- ②Editorial board should maintain the anonymity of authors during the process of requesting a review of a paper to reviewers.
- ③Editorial board should not disclose the submitted manuscript to individuals other than reviewers or misuse it until it is confirmed that the manuscript will be published.
- ④Editorial staff cannot take charge of the submitted manuscript if the staff member holds a direct conflict of interest to the manuscript.
- ⑤Editor in chief and Managing Editor cannot contribute to ‘KPAR’ during one's term of office.
Chapter 4 Reviewers
Article1(Compliance Details)
- ①All reviewers should review papers requested by the Editor in chief with diligence in a timely fashion following review regulations and is responsible for academic advancement.
- ②Information acquired by a reviewer from a paper during the review process is not available for disclosure or misuse until the paper is published.
- ③Reviewers should respect the author’s character as a scholar, should not make personal, subjective criticism or offensive expressions in their reviews, and should try to judge the manuscript with academic objectivity.
- ⑤Reviewers should inform the editorial board immediately if the reviewer holds a direct conflict of interest to the submitted manuscript or finds oneself unqualified to perform a review.
Chapter 5 Misconduct
- ①In principle, accusers reporting misconduct should be asked for information in writing under the 5W1H method. However, remaining anonymous is possible.
- ②Accusers should not experience disadvantages and undue coercion due to the report they made and the identity of the accuser does not become the target of information disclosure.
- ③The accuser should be told of the process and outcome once the matter is resolved.
- ①If accused due to violating Ethics Regulations on Academic Papers, this incident will be handled in accordance with the ‘KAPA Ethics Committee Operation Regulations’.
- ①Under the ‘KAPA Ethics Committee Operation Regulations’, if plagiarism is suspected in research results published by 'KPAR' or in research manuscripts under review, the editorial board is responsible for confirmation of plagiarism and plagiarized parts of the accused manuscript.
- ①If plagiarism is suspected in the journal published in KPAR, the case will be handled under ‘Research Ethics Regulation’ and ‘Plagiarism Regulation’ by ‘The Korean Association for Public Administration’
Chapter 6 Vindication and Objection
- ①The accused for violating the Ethics Regulations is considered not guilty of violations of the Ethics Regulations until confirmed.
- ②The accused for misconduct should be granted at least one or more opportunities for vindication.
- ③The identity of the accused should not be disclosed until a decision is made.
- ①The accused who is confirmed to be disciplined by violating Ethics can file an objection to the Committee only once.
- ②The Committee that received an objection could perform reexamination by deliberating the validity of the objection.
<Supplementary Provision>
- 1. The regulations apply from the 8th of September, 2020.
- 2. Issues excluded in the regulations shall be discussed and decided by the editorial board.