The Korean Public Administration Review

Print ISSN 1226-2536|Online ISSN 2733-8754

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Welcome message from the new Editor-in-Chief

I’m very much honored to serve as the Editor-in-Chief for Korean Public Administration Review (KPAR) which has been a highly respected journal not only in the field of public administration but also in the whole academia of Korean social sciences.

For the continued development of KPAR, the 2023-2024 editorial board welcomes paper submissions on the following topics.

  • 1.Explanation, interpretation and generalization of Korea-specific administrative phenomena
  • 2.Studies on the history, ethics, and philosophy of Korean public administration
  • 3.A historical and transverse comparative study.
  • 4.Diagnosis of problems in Korean society and appropriate policy prescriptions in the era of Great Transformation from rapid aging population to the 4th industrial revolution

We would appreciate your continued support and cooperation for the further development of KPAR.

Yang, Jae-jin
Korean Public Administration Review

Department of Public Administration
Yonsei University